
  • 共4集  |  每集 45分钟
  • 居住在英国的基督教徒、印度教徒、穆斯林和犹太教徒相…居住在英国的基督教徒、印度教徒、穆斯林和犹太教徒相亲找对象的纪录片“Looking for love is tough at the best of times and it can be even harder when your pool of potential partners is small. Welcome to the world of being young, single and religious. This is looking for love as it’s rarely been seen on TV before – with religion in play there are a whole new set of rules and it can be seriously tough to find ‘the one’. Strictly Soulmates takes a fun, entertaining and emotional look at the real life trials and tribulations of a group of singletons trying to find their perfect match from four different religions: Evangelical Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Jewish.”Christian1/4 Evangelical Christians Katy, Richard and Lorraine are all hoping to find 'the one'.Hindu2/4 Three Hindu singletons navigate family introductions, speed-dating and singles evenings.Muslim3/4 Muslim singletons Zubair, Naila and Dimpy are trying to find the perfect partner.Jewish4/4 Young Jewish singletons Richard, Natalie and Jason are on a jouey to find a Jewish mate.


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