
简介:2008年5月12日,四川省汶川地区发生了建国以来最严重的地震,中国最大的房地产开发商万科援建的遵道镇属于重灾区,95%的房屋倒塌,死伤者难以计数。震后第三天,万科董事长王石的一篇博客掀起轩然大波,“普通员工的捐款以10元为限”的言论招致全国性的嘲讽与谩骂,万科捐款数额饱受质疑,王石与万科深陷企业史上最大的舆论危机。与此同时,幸存下来的遵道人,来不及拭去悲痛的眼泪,便踏上了漫漫重建之路,他们又将何去何从……   "The Wenchuan area in Sichuan Province experienced the most devastating earthquake since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Zundao Town, the largest residential property developer in the country, in its recovery efforts was substantially damaged.   Three days after the earthquake struck, Wang Shi, Chairman of the China Vanke Group, his comment that ""General employees of Vanke should donate no more than 10 Chinese Yuan"" drew a lot of public criticism.   Meanwhile, those survivors in Zundao have had to soldier on in the long road to recovery, uncertain of what the future holds..."…


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