
简介:★2010荷蘭鹿特丹影展 ★2010香港國際電影節 ★2010法國雙城電影節   在一個小村莊裡,中年男子正騎著車穿過寧靜的村子。男子叫Wit,他已經於三天前死亡,按照泰國的習俗,過世的人將會在三天後回到自己最思念的地方。Wit的魂魄回家了。突然間,年輕女子的聲音打破了寂靜,她是Koi,二十來歲的美麗女子,Wit未來的妻子…   Wit想起了過去,自己當時是如何追求Koi,然後說服她與自己結婚。轉眼間,Koi已經是中年婦女,帶著兩個小孩,丈夫不知去向,而她必須獨自活下去…   這是孔薩庫的第一部長片,以死亡為主題,講述泰國的習俗,紀念自己父母親年輕的歲月,以及父親過世時,家中處裡喪事的生活細節。導演透過三部份來表現死亡這個主題。第一個部份是泰國人相信,人死後三天會回到自己心愛的地方,留下足跡。第二則是再現自己母親對父親的思念,以及他們年輕時的相遇和相愛。第三個部份則是呈現自己父親死後,一家人辦理喪事的生活細節,而同時感到父親的靈魂未離開,仍與家人同在的感受。   In a small farming town, a middle-aged man rides his motorcycle through the silent landscape. He is a ghost who has returned to “walk the footsteps” of his youth. His name is Wit and he died three days ago. Soon, the silence gives way to the sound of a young woman’s laughter. Her name is Koi and she is all of twenty years old. It is now the past and this memory recalls the days when Wit fell in love with his future wife. Finally, the past dissipates and we are back in the present with Koi, now a middle-aged woman. With two young children and her husband gone, she must find the strength to continue on.…


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